

Naktuinbouw Authorized Laboratories (NAL) is a system that authorizes company laboratories to perform seed quality testing. The system ensures that your seed laboratory offers and maintains the required levels of reliability.

In cases where liability is at stake, it is essential that a laboratory for seed quality works correctly. NAL takes all the critical points of quality testing of seed into account: sampling prior to testing, the quality assurance system at the laboratory, the expertise of the analysts, the protocols and issuing the results via NAL quality certificates.

NAL authorization is possible for every type of seed quality testing: germination, moisture, purity, the determination of usable plants in soil, health, varietal trueness and varietal purity et cetera. This was chosen to maximize the benefits of NAL authorization.

Naktuinbouw has expertise regarding all aspects of the authorization system: setting up the system, training the analysts, developing and approving the test methods and the corresponding proficiency tests. Our experts monitor authorized laboratories via annual audits.


The NAL conditions are based on various guidelines and criteria. A complete overview of these conditions can be found in NAL conditions, v13.1.


NAL authorizes your laboratory for the following points:

Quality assurance management system
The laboratory has an adequate and solid quality assurance management system: critical points such as testing and sampling are safeguarded.

Trained analysts
The staff has the qualifications and competences required to perform the technical tasks professionally and with the necessary expertise.

Approved test protocols
The laboratory performs the quality tests based on testing protocols that have been assessed and approved by Naktuinbouw.

Proficiency tests
The laboratory takes part in the (annual) program of proficiency tests.

Controlled communication of reliable quality information is issued via standard NAL quality certificates.

For more information, please consult our flyer.

NAL Authorized laboratories

CompanyLocationAuthenticated register
Axia Vegetable Seeds B.V.
Axia authenticated register NAL
Bayer Holland B.V.
Bayer NL authenticated register NAL
Bayer Crop Science - US - Seminis Vegetable Seeds Inc.
Woodland, CA (USA)
Seminis Vegetable Seeds authenticated register NAL
Bejo zaden B.V.
Bejo authenticated register NAL
Enza Zaden Seed Operations B.V.
Enza authenticated register NAL
Enza Zaden Deutschland GmbH & Co.K.G.
Dannstadt (Deutschland)
Enza Dannstadt authenticated register NAL
Germains Seed Technology
Germains authenticated register NAL
Hazera Seeds B.V.
Hazera NL authenticated register NAL
Hazera Seeds Ltd.
Berurim (Israël)
Hazera Ltd authenticated register NAL
HM Clause, SA
Portes-lès-Valence (France)
HM Clause Fr authenticated register NAL
HM Clause, Inc
Modesto (USA)
HM Clause USA authenticated register NAL
Incotec Europe B.V
Incotec authenticated register NAL
Nunhems Netherlands NL B.V.
Nunhems NL authenticated register NAL
Nunhems USA
Parma/Brooks (USA)
Nunhems usa authenticated register NAL
Nunhems India Private Limited
Hyderabad, Telangana (India)
Nunhems India Ltd authenticated register NAL
Rijk Zwaan Production B.V.
De Lier
Rijk Zwaan authenticated register NAL
Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.
Uchaud (France)
Sakata SAS authenticated register NAL
Syngenta Seeds B.V.
Syngenta NL authenticated register NAL
Takii Europe B.V.
De Kwakel
Takii authenticated register NAL
Vilmorin-Mikado S.A.S.La Menitre (France)Vilmorin authenticated register NAL


The Naktuinbouw board establishes our inspection fees each year. The fees are subsequently approved by the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The costs are charged based on the cost-maker cost-bearer principle. The fees for inspection can be found here Rates/fees.


Would you like to apply for authorization for your laboratory, or would you like more information about our authorization system? Please contact Bureau Authorizations (see below).


Bureau Authorizations
+31 71 332 61 90 | Team Authorizations

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

10 results

Can I do several tests on one (small) sample?

Each test must reflect the whole sample, the sample can not be divided prior to starting the test protocol.

If my seed lot is just more than 30.000 seeds, using 10.000 seeds for one bacteria test is very much. Is there an alternative?

Sample size and subsample sizes must be described and validated in your test protocol and/or validation report. See condition 22.8.6. This is reviewed by NAL.

In case of fruit sampling, the number of seeds depends on the pathogen; why was chosen for 10, 3 and 1 seeds for bacteria, viruses and fungi respectively?

For bacteria this is coming from requirements for GSPP (Good seed and plant practices, see GSPP : hygiene in seed production and plant raising to prevent infection with pathogens). Compared to bacteria, viruses and fungi have a different risk (a different infection rate and a different distribution) which leads to different number of seeds

For small seed lots, infection rates of 10% or 1% are applied (Table 3). Why?

Small seed samples come from a (very) low number of plants. The ratio between the one plant infected with a pathogen and the other(s) is high, so the infection rate is high. The relevant number of seeds is extrapolated from ISPM no. 31, appendix 2, table 1 and can be calculated by the formulas in appendix 2.

When I apply the NAL sampling requirements, do I fulfil requirements of third parties (like GSPP, import or export requirements)?

You are always responsible to check requirements of third parties yourself. Third parties may request a test on a larger sample.

When do the new sampling requirements become into force?

The sampling requirements as described in the NAL conditions version 12 will become into force from 1 October 2024. Tests performed after this date that are used for NAL quality certificates must meet these requirements. The period between the adoption of the new requirements (15 March 2024) and 1 October 2024 is needed to adapt the sampling (and possibly test) protocols by NAL-participants, and their review by NAL. Small and commercial seed lots sampled and tested before 1 October 2024 are exempt from this requirement and seed health test results can be used for NAL quality certificates when tested according to in-house sample sizes.

Who can I contact for more information about NAL?

You can contact Amanda van Dijk per email:

Where can I register for newsletters?

You can register for our newsletters on our  website

If required for export, which text has been approved and can be placed under the header 'Remarks' on the NAL quality certificate?

Please click on the link Approved remarks on NAL quality certificates to view the complete list.

To whom can a NAL participant outsource a test, with the intention of issuing a NAL quality certificate?

Click on the link Overview subcontractors to find an overview with subcontractors and their scope.