
Website accessibility

Naktuinbouw is committed to ensuring everyone is able to use this website. Have you tried to use a page that isn't accessible? Please report any issues to us.

What is an accessible website?

An accessible website can be used better by all target groups. For this reason, functional, technical and editorial accessibility requirements apply to websites of public authorities and other public sector bodies. These are established in EN 301 549: The European Standard for Digital Accessibility.

Guarantee accessibility

Naktuinbouw also wants to be consistent with the accessibility requirements that public authorities and other public sector bodies must satisfy. We ensure good accessibility through various measures within our (daily) processes:

  • Accessibility ‘by design’: from the start, accessibility is included in all the steps in the design, construction and editorial processes of our website.
  • Testing: we use software that tests accessibility. This extends to functional, technical and editorial aspects. Any bottlenecks that are identified are solved for long-term functionality.
  • Employee knowledge: our employees update their knowledge of accessibility and apply this knowledge where necessary.

Reporting accessibility issues

Do you have any questions or comments? Or would you like to use a page that is not accessible? Please contact Naktuinbouw. Please use the feedback button on the right side of our website.