We can perform genetic identification on anything with DNA in it. First, we create variety-specific DNA profiles and then compare them with the crop-specific database. Crops for which we have not yet developed a specific database, we can set up a database and examine it with a recognized technique. The research laboratory at Naktuinbouw is one of the few laboratories that can still perform this technique.
A small piece of leaf material is all we need to establish the identity of your sample. Using classical and advanced DNA techniques, we compare your sample with reference samples. Is the reference sample not in one of our databases? Then you can always send it along.
Download the flyer below for more information about the Variety Tracer department.
We can investigate suspicions of secondary breeding, illegal use of parental lines, infringement of Plant Breeders' Rights or patents and Essential Derived Varieties (EDVs). Our services can provide evidence to settle (legal) disputes about identity. The independent status of Naktuinbouw is very important here. Morphological research can also be carried out separately or in combination with genetic research.
Would you like to know more about Variety Tracer? Feel free to send an email to varietytracer@naktuinbouw.nl. The expert staff can provide you with all possible information.
With this form you give us an order for Variety Tracer and send us your samples:
After filling out the below form, we will give you information about the possibilities of variety identification using DNA techniques or DNA techniques in combination with morphological research (Variety Tracer). Information request Variety Tracer:
You will find our current portfolio in the Price list Testing & Analyses. For vegetable crops, which tests we can perform is stated per crop. For plant material, a separate chapter lists which tests are available.
We advise you to send plant samples (perishable material) without symptoms on Mondays or Tuesdays. Plant samples with symptoms can be sent from Mondays to Thursdays. This will avoid samples being left in the post over the weekends and not being stored in the correct conditions. Samples sent on these days will also arrive in time for testing.
Seed samples can be sent every day of the week.
A registration form must be filled in first so we can enter the necessary company details in our system.
It is also important to send an order form with the samples. This form is also on our website.