

Authorized Service Laboratories Naktuinbouw (ASLN) is an authorization system aimed at laboratory testing of soil, plant material and/or seeds. The ASLN system is intended for service laboratories.

ASLN authorized laboratories can use the results of tests to safeguard the health of propagating material:

  • the quality-plus systems Naktuinbouw Elite and  Naktuinbouw Select Plant
  • within NAL (Naktuinbouw Authorized Laboratories). Results of an ASLN laboratory can not be used covering the issuing of phytosanitary certificates.
  • for Naktuinbouw quality inspections

Naktuinbouw bases ASLN authorization on three principles

  1. working using Naktuinbouw approved protocols
  2. the results of proficiency tests organized by Naktuinbouw
  3. the results of the annual audits

Laboratories that work in compliance with the ASLN Conditions give their clients the assurance of reliable test results. Authorized laboratories will be granted the ASLN certificate. An ASLN authorized laboratory can only issue a laboratory report if the results concern a crop that is covered by our inspections.

ASLN authorization consists of three modules: quality assurance management system, sampling and testing.

Quality assurance management system
The quality assurance management system module sets requirements for organization, education and training of employees, the quality manual, control of document and registration, audits, complaints, management responsibility and proficiency tests.

The sampling module sets requirements regarding how sampling takes place and is dealt with at the company.  This applies to sampling of seeds as well as (parts of) plants and soil.  This is an essential part of the system. Without a good representative sample there can be no relation between the test result - no matter how well the test was performed - and the final batch or lot to be delivered.

The testing module sets requirements regarding how testing is performed at the laboratory.  The test protocols must be approved by Naktuinbouw. ASLN also sets requirements regarding the facilities, equipment, reference materials, subcontracting, laboratory results and purchasing. 


The ASLN conditions are based on various guidelines and criteria. A complete overview of these conditions can be found in ASLN conditions, v12.1.

ASLN authorized laboratories

The following companies meet ASLN requirements and are ASLN authorized:

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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Where can I register for newsletters?

You can register for our newsletters on our  website


Would you like to apply for authorization for your laboratory, or would you like more information about our authorization system? Please contact Bureau Authorizations (see below).


Bureau Authorizations
+31 71 332 61 90 | Team Authorizations