As a supplier of plant material, you deal with Naktuinbouw in various ways. Naktuinbouw is directly responsible for plant passport inspections. In addition, a number of European directives apply to the marketing of propagating material. If propagating material meets higher system requirements, it qualifies for certificates. It is possible to have import and export inspections carried out on your propagating material via Naktuinbouw. When it comes to export certification the NVWA is responsible and Naktuinbouw carries out the inspections and testing.
Companies that produce and trade propagating material are themselves responsible for ensuring that the material meets the phytosanitary and quality requirements.
Propagating and plant material that is traded must meet requirements and regulations.
These requirements are based on European regulations. The member states of the European Union translate these rules into national legislation. In the Netherlands, the guidelines are laid down in the Netherlands Seeds and Plant Materials Act.
The Naktuinbouw Inspection Regulations 2023 and policy rule for the Netherlands are laid down in the Netherlands Seeds and Plant Materials Act. The current version of Dutch legislation and regulations can be found on To find the correct information, search for the name of the legislation or regulation on this website.
In addition to Dutch legislation, there are various European Union regulations. This concerns decisions for different sectors.
The current version of European Union legislation and regulations can be found at To find the correct information, search with the name or number of the law or regulation on this website.
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