
Professional Seed Sampling

15 april 2025
08:30 - 16:30
4 available places
€ 795,-

Professional Seed Sampling

Everyone samples regularly in daily life. For example, you can taste a delicious piece of melon on the market and then decide to buy a melon. Sampling is taking a decision based on limited information. It is impossible to taste all the melons!

During the Professional Seed Sampling course you will explore the different steps in the sampling process. You will be informed about all the important aspects when taking a sample. On completion of the course you will gain knowledge how to take a reliable representative sample according to the sampling process and the guidelines of e.g. NAL (Naktuinbouw Authorized Laboratories).

Target group

This training is intended for (new) employees involved in taking samples of seeds. Experienced employees can refresh their knowledge and skills of the sampling process and reflect on their own practice.

After successful completion of the Professional Seed Sampling course you are a recognized sampler as part of NAL.

Duration: 1 day. In the morning, the participants follow a half-day of theory. The practical sessions take place in the afternoon, during which all parts of sampling are completed in groups of 2 to 3 people.
Location: Naktuinbouw, Roelofarendsveen, The Netherlands

A mix of theoretical introductions and practical assignments and discussions. You can share knowledge and experience how to improve the quality and reliability of a seed sample. The course will be given in English.

Training subjects:

  • Phases in the sampling process
  • Sampling techniques and methods
  • Making choices (samplers responsibilities whether or not to take a sample)
  • Use of tools
  • Sampling errors
  • Taking a reliable, representative sample according to NAL guidelines
  • Taking non-selective samples
  • Packing and shipping of samples

After completing the course, you will receive a certificate of participation

The course costs € 795,-. This is excluding VAT, including trainingmaterials and lunch. 

Team Training courses: +31 (0)71 - 332 62 70 /