
Seed Identification

How do you see the difference between the seeds of 693 different species from 105 plant families that are mentioned at the most recent ISTA list? Two third of these species belong to nine major families. In this training course, those families will be introduced that represent the majority of the seeds from the ISTA list of stabilized plant names.

The aim of the training course is to improve the identification of seeds that are found as impurities in seed samples. A first step in seed identification is the recognition of the plant family based on the composition of the diaspore, making it possible to consult efficiently seed reference collections and seed atlases for a final identification.

The lecturers of the course are prof. dr. René T.J. Cappers and dr. ir. Renée M. Bekker, Biological Archaeological Innovation centre, Groningen.

Starting date: 2026

Target group

You are involved in forming and developing policy and the implementation of identity testing, for example granting certification or enforcing Plant Breeders’ Rights.

Date and location
: 3 day trainingcourse.
Training hours: 09.00 till 17.00 hours
Location: Naktuinbouw, Roelofarendsveen, the Netherlands


The training course will include lectures and practical work. 

The following plant families will be dealt with:

  • Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
  • Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)
  • Fabaceae (Papilionaceae)
  • Asteraceae (Compositae)
  • Poaceae (Gramineae)
  • Amaranthaceae
  • Malvaceae
  • Boraginaceae
  • Polygonaceae

Practical work will focus on identifying representative seeds from these families. The Digital Diaspore Altas of the Netherlands (book and website) will be introduced and available for consultation.

2026 Training fee

Included are:

  • All course related costs such as materials, lunch/coffee/tea and administration.
  • A copy of the 'Manual for the identification of plant seeds and fruits' (Cappers & Bekker – new 2021 2nd edition; Barkhuis Publishing – Groningen.)

Questions or interested in participation? 
Team Training courses: (071) 332 62 70 /