
Post Entry Quarantine to import fruit varieties to the EU

Monsterzakje verzegeld met een Naktuinbouw sticker

For certain reasons the importation of plant material of fruit species to the EU is prohibited. EU regulators sets out higher phytosanitary risks measures to avoid introductions of (new) quarantine organisms to the EU. With a special license of the Dutch NPPO (NVWA), in most cases Naktuinbouw is able to import material with a Letter of Authority (LoA) through the Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) facility.

PEQ is for companies who want to import plant materials from third countries for breeding and testing within the EU. Every import contains a limited quantity of material that is at the very beginning of new developments.

Shipping instructions for Post Entry Quarantine from Naktuinbouw the Netherlands 

In order to receive your material in a proper and quick way,we provide some useful instructions for sending it to Naktuinbouwin the Netherlands. Long distance shipments can have an impacton the quality of the material. Also the presence of the correct documents will speed up Customs clearance. 

Import shipping instructions

Application form for Post Entry Quarantine import

Companies who want to import material to Europe can apply for a request to Naktuinbouw by filling in the form below. If the request fits within the scope of the license Naktuinbouw applies for a LoA at the NVWA. Material can be transported from the country of origin to Naktuinbouw with this LoA. A phytosanitary certificate is not required.

* Marked fields are necessary.