Tests for germinating power, moisture content, purity, tetrazolium and the presence of weed seeds in lots of seed are conducted under ISTA accreditation. For this purpose, the laboratory uses the methods described by ISTA (International Seed Testing Association). Table 5A of the ISTA rules sets out the methods that can be used for germination power testing on a crop-by-crop basis. In many cases there is a choice of several different methods.
As a rule, Naktuinbouw uses the method that results in the highest germination rate. If you want us to use a different method, please state this clearly on the submission form.
You will receive the results on a Naktuinbouw Laboratory Certificate or an orange or blue ISTA certificate. The test must therefore comply with the ISTA International Rules for Seed Testing.
Download the flyer below for more information about our seed analyses laboratory
The minimum germination standards for vegetable seeds are in the EU Directive 2002/55/EC on the marketing of vegetable seed. The standards are in Annex II.
The current version of the European Union laws and regulations can be found at Eur-lex.europa.eu. To find the correct information, search with the name or number of the law or regulation on this website.
In the Price list Testing & Analyses you can find the current list of fees of Naktuinbouw Testing & Analyses.
Orange ISTA certificate
Blue ISTA certificate
Naktuinbouw certificate
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