Publicationdate: 15 januari 2025
As of January 1, 2025, ToBRFV will be classified as an RNQP (Regulated Non-Quarantine Pest). Since the Inspection Services are the competent authority for RNQPs, the NVWA will transfer the oversight of seed production and propagation companies to Naktuinbouw Health, Testing, and Analysis.
However, requirements will remain for the marketing of tomato and pepper seeds and plants. All starting material, regardless of origin, must still be proven free of ToBRFV before being placed on the EU market. For seeds, this must be demonstrated through official sampling and approved tests or by proof that the seeds originate from a country where ToBRFV is not present.
With the RNQP status of ToBRFV, the threshold values for test results (performed using real-time PCR) will also change:
This procedure is valid until December 31, 2026.
Real-time PCR is a technique to quickly amplify DNA using pathogen-specific primers. The increase in DNA can be tracked digitally in real-time, allowing faster and more reliable confirmation of the presence of ToBRFV in seed batches.
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is a plant virus in the genus Tobamovirus, first described in 2015. It has spread rapidly since it was first detected in Jordan and Israel. Its main host plants are tomatoes and peppers.
ToBRFV Testing on Tomato or Pepper Seeds
For basic fees, see the 2025 price list.
Naktuinbouw Laboratories will continue to develop new tests to support the sector, enabling diagnosis of symptomatic plants and ensuring the absence of specific plant pathogens.
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