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Lower fees for genetic identification of raspberry and strawberry varieties fall 2024

Publicationdate: 7 augustus 2024

In recent years, Naktuinbouw has developed genetic identification tools for identifying raspberry and strawberry varieties. The delivery of samples for these tests takes place mainly in the autumn. As a result, Naktuinbouw can offer a lower fee for these crops in September and October.

With the developed tools, Naktuinbouw has already been able to identify hundreds of varieties. In an analysis, leaf samples of a variety are analysed using the latest DNA techniques. This data will be treated confidential and included in crop-specific databases. These databases can be used if there is doubt about the trueness to type of a variety or of an individual. With the support of these databases, Naktuinbouw can solve several identifications issues every year.   

Take advantage of a reduced rate  

In the autumn we will receive a larger supply of material for genetic identification tests for strawberry and raspberry. Due to these large sample flows, we can offer a lower fee per sample in September and October. 

Do you want to identify your samples? Or stored in a database for later comparisons? Then deliver your samples on time! The closing date for this lower fee is October 13th, 2024. The results will be available from the end of November 2024.

Want to know more?

Would you like more information about the assessment, the conditions and the rates? Please contact team Variety Tracer.

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