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New seed extract PCR tests for ArMV in Cucurbitaceae

Publicationdate: 19 februari 2025

From 1 February, we can now also test the presence or absence of Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) on seeds of Cucurbitaceae. For this test is chosen to use the fast, reliable and sensitive seed-extract PCR method as test method.



Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), also known as Nepovirus arabis, is a Nepovirus that causes major problems worldwide and has a wide hosts range, including Cucurbitaceae. This virus is mainly transmitted via soil by nematodes, but can also be transmitted by arthropods (such as insects) and via seed and pollen transmission.

Because the virus is very easily transmissible, the risk of spread is high. Partly due to the high risk of spreading, this virus is identified as a quarantine pathogen by countries such as Norway, China, Israel and the US. There are also several countries that have classified this pathogen as Regulated Non-Quarantine Pest (RNQP). 

ArMV on seed of Cucurbitaceae 

  • Test code: ARMVQ030 
  • Sample size: 3,000 untreated seeds 
  • Test fee: € 259
  • Duration test: 4 days  

For basic fees see price list 2025.  

Real-time PCR technique

The (real-time) PCR is a technique for rapid amplification of DNA. This is done with the help of pathogen-specific building blocks. The increase in DNA can be monitored digitally at any time. This makes it possible to faster and with more certainty confirm whether the seed samples actually contain the pathogen. 

Naktuinbouw Testing & Analysis supports sector

To support the sector, Naktuinbouw Testing & Analysis continues to develop new tests that can support diagnoses on plants and seeds with symptoms or just checking for and guaranteeing absence from certain plant pathogens. 

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