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PCR tests replaces ELISA-tests

Publicationdate: 19 juni 2024

From the second half of 2024, Naktuinbouw will gradually replace the ELISA tests on plant material for PCR tests. The conversion is done by family. Due to this conversion, we are working on changing the fee structure.

We opt for a uniform testing method

Once alle virus tests for a family (or crop) can be tested using PCR, the ELISA test can no longer be requested for this. By switching from ELISA to PCR per family, it is clear to everyone with which uniform method the tests will be performed.

Read more about this change:


Potyvirus test is an exception

The Potyvirus test remains an exception for the time being. This test covers a very large group of viruses. This makes the development of a PCR test very complex and takes longer. A separate sample is still required for the Potyvirus test.

We are changing the fee structure

We are aware that the conversions from ELISA to PCR tests have consequences for the test fees. We are therefore working on a new fee structure. We will announce it as soon as it is final. After that, you can no longer request the ELISA test per crop (or family).

Naktuinbouw Laboratories supports the sector

To support the sector, Naktuinbouw Laboratories continues to develop new PCR tests. These tests support a correct diagnosis of plants with symptoms or checking for and guaranteeing freedom from certain pathogens.


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