Publicationdate: 29 januari 2025
As of 1 January 2025, ToBRFV has the status of RNQP (Regulated Non-Quarantine Pest). See the NVWA announcement (in Dutch) for more details: Veranderingen in eisen en toezicht in verband met RNQP-status ToBRFV
According to EU regulations, seeds not intended for commercial trade do not need to meet RNQP requirements and do not require a plant passport. This exception strictly applies to seeds intended for DUS testing, maintenance control, trial field testing, authorization, or resistance testing. Strictly speaking, this material does not yet need to meet RNQP requirements.
At Naktuinbouw, however, we do not want to take any risks. We want to ensure that the material included in our trials is free from ToBRFV. Additionally, we do not want to create extra work for seed companies.
By including a plant passport with your samples, Naktuinbouw can guarantee that the material is free from ToBRFV. For imported seeds from non-EU countries, we accept the accompanying phytosanitary certificate along with the sample.
If no plant passport / phytosanitary certificate is available for the tomato and pepper samples you submit, please declare that the sample is tested and free from ToBRFV by mentioning or imprinting this on the seed package.
This additional requirement from Naktuinbouw now applies to all tomato and pepper samples for DUS testing, maintenance control, trial field testing, authorization, or resistance testing.
Please send your question by e-mail.
This is additional information about the announcement (in Dutch) in the newsletter of 19 December 2024.
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