The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature makes research funds available to the Board for Plant Varieties to improve the efficiency of the research that underlies the granting of Plant Breeders' Rights and admission of plant varieties on the basis of Dutch legislation and regulations. This Methodology Research should lead to the development of the best available techniques for efficient implementation of research for the granting of Plant Breeders' Rights and admission of plant varieties to trade.
In order to carry out the research into plant varieties for admission and Plant Breeders' Rights in the Netherlands as efficiently as possible and to do justice to the leading position of the Netherlands in this research, it is important that the best available techniques are used in the research. Since there is continuous adjustment and innovation, research needs to be done for this. This may, for example, concern the development of a new research technique, but also the adaptation of an existing technique. This may concern actual research, but also, for example, the development of tools that make it easier for the applicant to complete the application forms or the development of systems that can improve the enforcement of the law. Any organisation that is directly or indirectly involved in the field of research into plant varieties for admission or breeder's rights can submit proposals in the context of this methodology research.
Naktuinbouw is involved as a directing and inventory organisation and ensures that the project proposals are submitted to the Board. The Board assesses the proposals. Upon approval, the Board appoints an organisation for its implementation and makes (part of) the financial resources available. The Board monitors progress and the interim and final reports. The projects usually have a duration of one year, but can also extend over several years. The available budget per project is between € 5,000 and (maximum) € 70,000. A total of € 264,000 is available for 2025. You will find the application procedure and a short manual on the website of the Board for Plant Varieties (only available in Dutch).
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