

Future Organisation Naktuinbouw (TON)

We are a knowledge organisation and respond to the developments we will be facing going forward. To equip our organisation for these challenges, we drafted the Naktuinbouw Next Level strategic plan a few years ago. Key objectives in this plan are working in a way that is client-oriented and results-oriented. We are working towards a process-oriented structure based around the needs of our clients. To attain the Next Level, we intend to work smarter - including with our clients - apply new technologies and invest in employee development.

The TON2024 programme provides a framework for us to create the optimal organisational and management structure together, based on a set of predefined (structural) requirements. We will place a greater emphasis on result-oriented operation centred on the client. In 2022, our new organisational structure started to take shape. The future unit managers were appointed. A vacancy was created for the Company Accreditation Unit. A team started preparing and forming the new units. The organisation chart is almost ready. The aim is to work according to the new organisational structure with effect from early 2024.

In the Information Provision programme, we worked on developing a data warehouse. This is a central repository where all our data can be collected and integrated, and subsequently used intelligently in our processes.

Works Council

In 2022, two members of the Works Council left Naktuinbouw. Their positions were filled again the same year.

In 2022, TON2024, diversity and inclusion and the new CLA were important topics for the WC. They provided unsolicited advice about the management organisation in TON2024, in which they requested that extra attention be paid to inclusion, diversity and new leadership.

In 2022, the WC was also closely involved in issues such as sustainability, plans for premises and offices, multi-year plans and the technology plan.

Safe working

Employees can report incidents, accidents and near-misses at the workplace. We use these signals to the improve occupational safety standards at Naktuinbouw. In 2022 we recorded 32 incidents, near-misses and accidents/unsafe situations (48 in 2021). We saw a decrease in the numbers thanks to structural solutions, a faster response to signals and more Occupational Health and Safety inspections by employees.

The confidential counsellors received a total of two reports and two signals in 2022. In all cases, a listening ear was sufficient and no further action was initiated.

Our ERS organisation consists of 25 employees. These emergency response officers practice and receive training annually. This year, training consisted of an e-learning component and practical training.

Code of Conduct

We believe in the importance of cultivating an atmosphere of openness, safety and trust. Our Naktuinbouw Code of Conduct is a compass that describes the agreements that exist mutually between employees concerning behaviour inside and outside our organisation.

In 2022 , we developed an e-learning unit for employees to keep up to date with the agreements. This was launched for employees in July. All employees must complete the e-learning unit once a year. A sounding board group reviews the e-learning unit once a year and makes additions where necessary.

Employee experience survey

We believe in the importance of measuring employee satisfaction and engagement at Naktuinbouw so we can respond adequately where needed. For this reason, we organised an employee experience survey in the summer. The results revealed that our employees particularly appreciate the cooperation, content of their tasks and the social safety at Naktuinbouw. Our employees are also passionate about the work they do.

 The concerns raised by the survey were the work pressure, a desire for improved information provision and the continuous changes at organisational level. In the autumn, we formed a working group for these three themes. Together with employees from the organisation, they tried to identify the causes behind the lower satisfaction ratings for these components, so that we can implement targeted improvements. All teams attended a development session, during which they discussed their own results and proposed measures aimed at improvement. The teams then started working on this independently. In 2023 we will briefly measure the results to see how much progression has been made.