

Our certifications and accreditations

The employees at Naktuinbouw perform their tasks to the highest levels of quality. Our activities comply with various (accreditation) standards. Independent external organisations audit these activities.

Our entire organisation is NEN-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 certified.

We have also been awarded the following certification:

• NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (I131); competence of bodies performing phytosanitary import inspection

• NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (L549); competence, impartiality and consistent operation of laboratories

• CPVO Entrustment; variety testing, all crop categories

• ISTA Accreditation (NLDL02); sampling and seed analysis.


For specific descriptions of the scope, please consult the websites of:

Extension of ISO 9001 certification

The annual audit for ISO 9001 certification was performed in May. The auditors' final conclusion was clear: positive advice for the extension of the certificate.

The auditors assessed teams who perform the primary processes and the support teams. This is a wide scope and involved the auditors holding group interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the correlation between the teams and the processes. The strong improvement culture and the correct implementation of scrum methodology in IT projects were aspects that received a specific mention by the auditors.

Extension of Dutch Accreditation Council and ISTA accreditation

The annual audit by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) was held at the laboratory and import inspections in April. In 2022 this audit was a ‘reassessment’. This means that accreditation will be extended for four years. Reassessment of an existing accreditation involves a three-day audit.

Once every three years, ISTA assesses the seed analysis laboratory and sampling. Accreditation will be extended following a positive outcome of the audit.

EU audit plant passports

In March, the EU performed an audit in the Netherlands to monitor compliance with the regulations for issuing new plant passports. Naktuinbouw and all the other inspection services were closely involved in the programme. The audit was coordinated by the NVWA.