
Responsible working

Diversity and inclusion

Naktuinbouw creates an environment where people feel safe, fit and at home. An environment that inspires you to grow and develop and where you remain involved in your personal goals. The diversity policy aims to provide everyone with equal opportunities to develop regardless of their background and different views of life. The inclusion policy helps everyone feel safe and at home at Naktuinbouw.

We paid attention to Diversity Day and hoisted the rainbow flag on Coming Out Day. Our recruitment and selection methods are focused on increasing diversity.


We want to support our companies with made to measure, digital information provision. New developments and the rapid expansion of our data require a stable, reliable data environment. For this reason, we established the 2020-2024 ‘Data to Information ’policy plan. Key in 2022 was organising our multiple data sources. This is an important step towards designing and configuring our own data warehouse correctly and without any errors.

A new data warehouse forms the core component of all future data-related developments. This creates faster and easier access to all the necessary data and makes it more efficient to generate information from data. This is necessary for (trend) analysis, reporting and also when handling questions from clients and preparing the work process. We can respond faster and more easily to any queries from clients.

Sustainability and energy efficiency

We established a sustainability plan for 2022 – 2026.

Naktuinbouw is committed to reducing its CO2 emissions. Our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 5% annually. In 2022 we started implementing measures such as monitoring energy use and reducing commuting. However, the average CO2 emissions in 2022 were almost at the same level as in 2021. We contracted the help of an advisory service. They make an inventory, provide advice and draft an action plan outlining how we can achieve our objectives in the years ahead. We are aiming for a reduction of 50% in 2030 compared with 2019.

Sustainability is a touchstone for all investments and purchases. Reuse (circularity) and energy consumption are included as award criteria in tender specifications. This has also been embedded in our purchasing process and purchasing policy. 

The first contours of a plan for premises and offices have been sketched, taking increased sustainability into account. In 2023, this concept will be finalised to create a definitive plan.


We collect any signals that can enhance the customer focus of our service provision. These signals can originate from employees or directly from our clients, for example in the form of a complaint. The board, sector boards and advisory committees also provide relevant feedback. We use these signals to amend policies where necessary and improve our services.

This year, the signals concerned topics such as:

  • Improving the lead times of our laboratories

  • Phytosanitary requirements third countries

  • Deteriorating economic climate

  • Energy crisis

Quality-plus and Accreditation systems

Naktuinbouw has developed various quality-plus systems that demonstrate the added value or superior quality of products. A few companies withdrew from participation in a quality-plus system in 2022, while other companies decided to re-register.

In addition to the quality-plus systems, we also offer accreditation systems. In 2022 we were asked by the NVWA to develop the BOOT accreditation system. This is a system for sampling under official supervision.

During the corona pandemic, we performed our audits abroad online. Since the beginning of 2022, we have performed the audits on site again.

Elite Ornamental Crops

Naktuinbouw Elite Ornamental Crops is a quality-plus system for the ornamental crops sector. There are now 21 participants worldwide who produce propagating material and perennials that are disease-free and true to variety.

Elite Pome Fruit

Naktuinbouw Elite Pome Fruit is additional to EU certification of pome fruit crops. The conditions of Naktuinbouw Elite Pome Fruit place higher standards on companies and their trees or rootstock. If all the requirements are met, the propagating material may be traded with a certificate and an Elite label. To date, 39 companies have been authorised to use the Elite Pome Fruit label.

Elite Soft Fruit

In cooperation with the soft fruit sector, Naktuinbouw has developed a quality-plus system that enables growers to demonstrate the added value and superior quality of their products. Naktuinbouw Elite Soft Fruit is additional to EU certification of fruit crops. There are currently eight growers authorised to use the Elite Soft Fruit label.


NAL stands for Naktuinbouw Authorised Laboratories. NAL enables participants to make the right decisions based on reliable data obtained from laboratory testing in their own laboratories. The certificates allow participants to demonstrate the health and quality of material destined for international trading. At present, there are 21 participants worldwide. Taken together, the companies with NAL authorisation represent more than 80% of the market share in the international trade of vegetable seeds.


Good Seed and Plant Practices (GSPP) is an international hygiene system. Companies set up this system to prevent seeds and plants from being infected by pathogens, namely Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomatoes. The GSPP foundation oversees and manages the GSPP system. Naktuinbouw and the French SOC/SEMEA each perform 50% of the audits worldwide at companies that wish to apply for accreditation or at companies already accredited by the GSPP foundation. There are 34 participants.

Select Plant

Naktuinbouw Select Plant is a system for lots of propagating material of extra quality. Naktuinbouw performs additional inspections, sampling and tests to demonstrate that asparagus, alstroemeria, freesia, hosta and (greenhouse) roses are disease-free. Naktuinbouw Select Plant Avenue and Ornamental trees safeguards the certainty of the identity and origin of avenue and ornamental trees.

Among other things, Naktuinbouw Select Plant Plants ensures that the accredited companies produce propagating material on PCN-free plots of land.