
Principal's Foreword

Eva Heijblom

Deputy Secretary-General
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

2022 was another eventful year. Together with Naktuinbouw, NVWA and policy staff, a lot of hard work has gone into making significant progress on many dossiers. We are nearing completion of the multi-year agreement and a start has been made on the evaluation process, based on the Framework Act.

Naktuinbouw is a stable and reliable partner and I’m enthusiastic about the steps being taken to further improve the organisation. Naktuinbouw has worked hard to improve its processes and cyber resilience. I am also pleased to see that Naktuinbouw intends to further facilitate and improve knowledge and data sharing. 

In 2023, I hope we will be able to increase our focus on the content of our work practices and in doing so, develop an appropriate long term vision. We hope that the Brexit and Covid dossiers will remain low profile this year. In any case, I look forward to addressing this year’s challenges through continued and successful collaboration.

Susanne Sütterlin

MT Member, Plant Supply Chains and Food Quality Department
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

In 2022, I hugely enjoyed fulfilling the managerial role. The current formation has allowed us to get to know one another over a longer period and this year we can once again reflect on a constructive and rewarding partnership. For example, we have worked closely on European dossiers, such as the review and revision of a number of trade regulations. On a national level, I am pleased with the results of the review of enforcement instruments and Naktuinbouw’s contributions to this process. You are a trusted partner organisation.

I am also pleased with the progress made within the framework of the multi-year agreement. Great strides were made in 2022, culminating in the agreement, in principle, on the body text of the MYA at the end of the year. I hope we can soon celebrate the publication of the MYA together.

2023 will be a year of (further) implementation. We will continue the implementation of recommendations from recent reviews and will ensure that policy aspirations remain well aligned, both in terms of objectives and feasibility. I am looking forward to the challenge.

Corné van Alphen

Director NPPO
Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority

In 2022, Naktuinbouw was once again a vital component in phytosanitary practices. This year, we were again able to call on specific deployment to control outbreaks. Physiosanitary work in the Netherlands was audited several times by the European Commission in 2022, with good results. It is vital that the Commission, and also other EU Member States, have confidence in the quality of our work. Naktuinbouw made significant contributions during preparation for the audit on Plant Passports and also for the OCR Import audit. Above all, work practices mostly involved the regular performance of tests and inspections, which form the core of our operations.

From my new position as NPPO Director, I have had the pleasure of renewing acquaintances with Naktuinbouw. It’s great to have returned to the physiosanitary sector, and it’s good to see that as joint partners we have a strong system in place. I am looking forward to working together on further development and implementation in the near future.